Make it easy for luck to find you. Sign up here and we'll randomly select five other local professionals, in a variety of fields, to join you for lunch (at 12:00 noon). You might find a new customer, business partner, employer, mentor, golf partner, or more.
Each lunch is unhosted and unscripted. The benefit is whatever you make of it (plus a delicious lunch, of course.) Everyone will be there for the same reason, so there's no need to be shy. Need some advice, about anything? Someone will probably have it.
You provide some basic information about yourself, below. Every time five additional people sign up with the same available date, an e-mail invitation goes out and asks for confirmation. If you can't make it, click the link to cancel for this particular date, or for good.
If fewer than four people confirm in one work day, the event is deferred until more people sign up for that date, and the process starts again. You will get an e-mail telling you the date is deferred.
Information we need: